ds106 Synopsis

Until reading this week’s assignment, I had not heard of ds106. Thus, I did not know what to expect and thought that it would be another massive learning experience for me. However, I have heard of digital storytelling before so I am not completely lost.

ds106 Summary

ds106 is an online, open enrollment course from the University of Mary Washington. This course, which began after innovator Jim Groom published a blog post about an open, online experiment,  is a breakdown of digital storytelling. Digital storytelling refers to the less than 8 minute projects that are put together by “ordinary people”. These stories can be constructed via a variety of digital mediums available through ds106.

When a student goes through he activities and lessons provided by ds106, they re permitted to build their own online identity through their projects while narrating the process.

In the ds106 handbook that is provided, there are various tips, tricks and other help that is provided to assist students. Some of the specific help that is provided is for the newly ever-popular GIF’s and there is help for WordPress as well!

So What?

What is so awesome about ds106? I found it awesome that there is a unique community that is created on this site and through this course. From students past, present and future.  It is similar to the community that we have created in our Literacy in the Digital Age course in that we are all figuring out the digital world together and sharing struggles and triumphs along the way. It is also awesome that ds106 is limitless in the inspiration and creativity departments.

ds106 and Me

When I first read the words “ordinary people”, I was not offended. Instead I felt relief. I was entering a world that I did not feel particularly comfortable with so reading that “ordinary people” could create stories in this environment, I took a deep breath and continued exploring with a little bit more confidence.  I enjoy things that are user friendly.

In my future classroom(s), I can use the tools provided on this site to allow my students to complete and submit assignments. Doing so would allows us to get away from boring schoolwork. Furthermore, I could use the skills that I obtain through ds106 to grab students’ attention and relate to them.

Personally, I can benefit from ds106 along this journey of developing my computer and teaching skills and my digital literacy skills as well. And maybe even inspire other professionals around me to do the same. What a constructive environment that would be for teachers and students alike.


Photo CC-By Dean Shareski


2 thoughts on “ds106 Synopsis

  1. I wasn’t as familiar with it as you, so I did have to go into a greater depth of learning about it… but I think that it can be useful in the classrooms for teachers and students both. I also liked the fact that there is a community involved and it’s not just me out there searching by myself. Thanks for your thoughts and inputs!

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    • It can really be applied to any subject area too. Students can retell or create stories for language arts, science, social studies and so on! It is really nice to have other people fighting the same unfamiliar battles as us, isn’t it? Thank you!

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